Meet Renee Rucker, the founder of Out Tha Box, LLC. Out Tha Box focuses on teaching and imparting hope, inspiration, and encouragement for building a positive holistic self. She believes in a healthy horizontal and vertical relationship is most important for navigating through life. A true overcomer, she has been through a gambit of challenges throughout her life including sexual abuse, teen pregnancy, suicide attempts, domestic violence, divorce, homelessness, the death of child, health and family challenges. But, despite life's challenges, Ambush has emerged on the other side of it all stronger and more resilient than ever with several accolades to her credit.
A Degreed Social Worker with over 25 years of experience to include behavioral and mental Health services as well almost 15 years as a Ordained License Minister. This amazingly talented songstress has been nominated for a Grammy and she is a published author, TV writer and actress. She has also been featured in People, Yahoo Entertainment and
In addition to exercising her many talents, she also offers impartation strategy services where she helps clients live their best life; she offers entertainment strategy services out of her 20+ years of experience in the entertainment industry; and she is a public speaker.
To find out more about Renee Rucker, visit You can also connect
The Walk by P.H.A.I.T.H. Podcast is hosted by Lady Tiffany Nicole and airs every Monday at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. on She delivers insightful and engaging guest interviews with entrepreneurs offering their testimonials about their individual walks of P.H.A.I.T.H., their triumphs and the lessons learned through their ultimate perseverance.